Well, Farfel, it's been two months today. I miss you so much, and I think of you every hour of every day -- such good thoughts :) I know you know what's been happening down here, from up there on your comfy cloud, and probably laughing your ass off :) For those who don't know -- here is what has happened in my life the last two months.
Here is a bit of backstory: I received Star, my sweet girl Airedale in November of 2010. I received Star on the condition that in 2011, she have one litter -- which she did. This was all written in a signed contract. The contract stated -- litter in 2011 and/or spayed. I full filled my obligation. Star had a beautiful litter of 6 pups. On the advice of my vet, we decided to wait on having her spayed immediately after the litter. During the time after Star had her litter, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroidits, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Fibromyaligia. I have not had an easy time with these idiotic diseases, and had to quit my job, and alter my life drastically. In addition to to these diseases, I had just gone through several surgeries over an 18 month period. For those who have not read my previous blogs, I had a hysterectomy, Bilateral Mastectomy, fills, exchange surgery --- and the list goes on. So .. needless to say, I have been through the ringer. Star being spayed was not on my to do list, as a result. There was never any chance Star would get pregnant under my care. I had no desire to backyard breed her and make a profit. Farfel Started faltering in February of 2012. My focus was on him. Star was and is a happy, healthy girl. If she had any issues, I would have had them taken care of immediately.
I was taking Farfel to the vet to find out what was wrong with him. At that time, I was going to Doctors on a weekly basis. In April, the groomer/breeder (who gave me Star) called to remind me of their grooming appointment. I told her Farfel wasn't doing well, Star was in heat, and that I had spent a lot of money on Farfel's medical bills. She told me she would do Star for free. So, I took Star to be groomed. The groomer asked if she could keep Star overnight -- that she was "bad." I thought by bad she meant her grooming would take awhile. I said OK. The next day I called and asked when I could pick Star up. The groomer asked me if she could keep her a few more days. I said - why? is she that bad??? She said no, she wanted to breed her. I said, you have a male there to breed her with ? She said no, I took her to Kentucky yesterday. I was stunned. There was nothing I could do. I was assured Star would be back in a few days. I suppose I could have insisted that Star be brought back immediately. I didn't. Maybe I was in a weakened state, or in shock. The breeder, in the past mentioned how nice it would be for Star to have another litter. There was no set plan, and I did not agree to it. My opinion -- if she (breeder) was doing this on the up and up, she should have called and asked me, or discussed it with me. She didn't. It takes about 6 hours to drive from here to KY. That was 6 hours she could have called and told me what she was doing.
Star came back. I went to pick her up. I did write the breeder an E-mail stating my feelings on what she did. I felt it was underhanded. She never mentioned the E-mail to me. I have to say... I like the breeder/groomer. She is pleasant, knows tons about Airedales, and dogs. She is a wonderful groomer, and an excellent breeder. Her facilities are immaculate. The kennel is beautiful. I took Star home, and told the breeder that I would be back around Star's due date. The breeder calculated it. I know nothing about that stuff. I called the breeder several times because Star was doing weird things -- we just figured that Star is weird -- but a good weird :)
During this time, Farfel was getting worse and worse. I was feeling terrible as well. I lost Farfel on June 4th. About two weeks later, I took Star back to the breeder. It was a tough time for me. When I was dropping her off I mentioned how special it would be to have one of Star's pups. The breeder said nothing -- just looked at me. In my opinion, and... this is just my opinion, had she taken me seriously, she would have said -- that is wonderful, I require a deposit...blah, blah blah -- I am pretty sure these pups were booked before they were born, and I would never have gotten a puppy.
So, I called daily, or every other day to see how Star was doing. I just lost Farfel. I was concerned about Star. I got the impression I was bothering the breeder. Well, one day I called and I was told to come get Star -- she was having a false pregnancy. I was surprised, asked are you sure ?? She said yes. Ok, then... I left to pick Star up immediately.
The breeder brought Star out to me -- I asked about false pregnancies, the breeder explained what she knew and said it was common -- but she also insinuated that because Star was overweight that was a problem -- whatEVER :) I asked the breeder SEVERAL times -- are you sure ????? She said yes -- there is NOTHING in her! (I assumed she had Star x-rayed -- she didn't). I said.. so she is not going to surprise me ??? The breeder assured me there were no puppies!!!!!
I get Star home. She was acting strange (even for Star). I made an appointment for her the next day -- they x-rayed her ....and LO and behold -- she had two puppies inside her. 12 hours later, I was delivering the cutest little mole-like Airedale puppies. My son and I did it --- Well, actually Star did most of it. So, there I was.... my son, Star, 2 puppies, and a big plastic swimming pool in my living room. I have never done anything like this before, and I have never witnessed it. Star came through fine. It upsets me to think of what could have happened. I may not have an animal husbandry degree, but I know when my dog is acting weird!
So, I took them to the vet a few days later -- all were happy and healthy. Tails were cropped, dew claws removed, and the vet hydrated Star. I have to say -- my vet was furious with the breeder for not having Star x-rayed. I was struggling with telling her about the 2 pups -- after all -- pups - $$$$$$ On the advice of the vet, my family, friends, and everyone I told the whole story said... to keep the pups. The breeder basically gave up any claim when she said there was NOTHING in there !!! She also breached the contract and had no right taking Star to be bred.
So -- since July 1, I have been taking care of the babies. I was going to keep both, and Star. Due to my health issues it was best to give one up. A very wonderful couple now has puppy # 1, or pink :) They are experienced Airedale people, and it was love at first sight for both. As hard as it was to face another loss -- I am very happy for the couple and the pup :)
So, I now have Star, and her beautiful daughter Hoshi (Star in Japanese). I have never seen Star more happy and animated. You might be wondering how I made my choice between the two little sweeties -- well, the one I kept reminded me of Farfel. They are both beautiful, sweet, and smart puppies.
Since I picked up Star from the breeder back in June, I have not heard from her. No inquiry about how Star was doing, and no reminder for Star to be groomed -- Star hadn't been groomed since April. Obviously, she does not care about Star -- and does not want my business. Star has been groomed and looks beautiful.
I am sure by reading previous blogs, you can deduce who the breeder/groomer is. It is not my intention to bash her. She is very intelligent and is one of the best breeder/groomers around. It is obvious she had no respect for me -- otherwise we would have discussed Star being bred. Right now, on a personal level, I have no trust in her.
Well, Farfel, you haven't been replaced -- although this little spitfire is a toughy!! She walks around growling like you (vocalizing), she sleeps in weird positions, she watches TV, she guts her stuffies, and removes the eyes .... I hope in some way..... a part of you is in her :)
Sorry for the length this --- it had to be said. I couldn't be happier with how things turned out. I saw it as .... Divine Intervention, or a gift from God....doG -- or maybe even Farfel :)
Hoshi |
Thanks for reading :)
Patti, Star, and Hoshi :)