Monday, October 31, 2011


It has been since JUNE -- that anything has been written by, or about me, Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the Village!!!  MOMMY has promised my Backstory! I am sure you all have checked daily for it ---- OK, so MOMMY has been busy getting new boobies -- REALLY -- That is more important than me ?

I have survived quite well from my surgery. I am surviving with my sister Star  :)  She is still a little odd and quirky, but we all love her  :)

I guess my backstory will be put on hold -- for now. MOMMY has decided that she is really interesting, and people would want to read what SHE thinks, instead of me -- poor thing. I will humor her. MOMMY, who is a totally technical NON-genius, has no idea how to link her blog to mine (hehehehe).

I think MOMMY may have been concerned that out personalities were fusing. There is ONLY ONE Farfel, and... that is I  :)  Imagine the "Three Faces of Patti,"  Patti, Farfel, and Lady Gaga (MOMMY likes to dream, hehehe).

ME -- when I was a baby  :) I know... really cute  :)

Hopefully, MOMMY will start on my backstory sooooon!!!!

One thing we all have to sad we were and are of the many dogs who have crossed the Rainbow bridge in recent months. Our hearts are broken for each and everyone  :(  We have a lot of friends on Facebook....we love all of your posts, thoughts and pictures  :)  Some are old and dear friends and some are new  :) We love you all!!!  It is amazing just how close you can get to people we have never physically met. We are so happy to be able to connect with all of you  :)

Farfel  :)

Star  :)

and MOMMY  :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Update, and ramblings :)

Farfel's pathology report came back, and Anthony Weiner was cancerous. The Doc is "pretty sure" he got it all -- but this was the type of tumor that can come back, and usually in the same place.  Farfel is fine, and recovering very well. We will keep a very close watch on it -- because, Farfel HAS to outlive me -- that's the way it has to be  :)

My sweet little Star should be coming home any day now. I am very excited, and can't wait. My goal is for Star and Farfel to eventually "snuggle!"  :)   They are both so wonderful and lovable in their own ways -- it's just they don't see it right now -- their relationship is one of ..... contempt maybe ?  Jealousy? Alpha Dog (STAR, for sure)....?  They give each other dirty looks more than they play.....Star is winning  as far as the evil eyes :)  Now that she will be home forever, and not going away to have babies, I am hoping they have a loving relationship :)

Dogs are interesting people. Sometimes I wonder why humines can't be as wonderful and loving as the canines. Humines really need to take on some of the qualities of canines. They don't lie, cheat, make fun, bully, care if you're "different," care about color, creed, or gay bash.  I don't believe a dog could commit premeditated murder -- however, if a dog kills a person -- usually because they were mishandled by humans -- they are put to death. A humine -- well, just look at the stupid Casey Anthony trial. Yes, I have a lot of time on my hands with this stupid recovery process.  I don't think I know any dogs as stupid as Jose Baez (Casey Anthony's Attorney).  Canines do not do stupid, emotionally hurtful things to humines. Canines are not cruel to humines -- but....look at the cruelty canines receive from humines -- puppy mills, Michael Vick types, and many others who think it makes them a "big" person to abuse an animal -- in my opinion, it makes them a big asshole.

I know if I were to ask Farfel anything --- he would do it, no matter what it was -- OK, it would of course be on his terms since he IS an Airedale, but in my heart, I know there is nothing he would not do for me. I wish I could say the same of some humines I know. Am I taking things too far, and getting too involved with dogs -- maybe, but... Farfel and Star are REAL ... all of the Facebook dogs, and the Blog dogs are REAL -- they have no agenda. They are who they are -- they love and are loved :)

I might be having a bad day (is it obvious?). I think this year is finally catching up to me -- the tests, the emotions, the four surgeries, and UGH the pain.  Getting rid of those softball size expanders for my new soft foobies has been great, but.... it has totally tired me out, and I am tired of putting on the stupid happy face -- well, for today anyway. I do have to say the foobies look pretty darn good, and my Doc said yesterday ... like THREE creepy times.....NICE ...NICE... NICE ......I really think he should have bought me a drink or something. So, I do have the foobies of a 20 year old -- That's great, but.... the body is that of an almost 58 year old. Then of course, there is this ass I have grown over the time of no activity, because as soon as I recovered from one surgery, there was another. I can't do anything for another 4 weeks except walk --- well, I can't walk with the dogs because of the crazy old people (older than me) who walk their dogs on retractable leashes -- Yes, it's my fault because Farfel is not a perfect gentleman -- but, I can't afford for him to pull my arms out of their sockets at this time. Where I live, there is nothing to look at except those old people ... who seriously are near death walking their dogs on those awful leashes -- by the way --- the dogs weigh no more than 5 pounds usually --- and they really piss Farfel off.

Maybe I will take Farfel out for a walk now --- hopefully the old people are napping  :)   Then we will come in and clean the house for Star's arrival  :)  I want to make sure her couch is just right for her and there are clean linens on my bed for her   :)  BUT --- since Farfel has lost a few pounds, he jumps on the bed again :)  They will have to share :) Maybe snuggle ????  :)


I haven't forgotten about Farfel's BackStory -- we are having creative differences -- who is going to write it ???????   Maybe we will collaborate  :) 

Farfel would like to add --- he wishes he named one of his lumps Michelle Bachmann -- but since he did not, he would like to name each and every poop he does from now until the 2012 Presidential Election after her :)

(Farfel has approved this message)  :)

Thank you   :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Farfel is HOME -- and Anthony Weiner has been removed :)

Fafrel has come through his surgery very well !!!!   :)  I think the worst part for him was the way the Vet Tech dressed his wound -- he/she wrapped up his "junk," "privates," etc. I mentioned it to the Doc -- and he immediately tried to move the dressing off Farfel's "family jewels"!!!  Farfel started screaming -- seriously, what man wouldn't?????  I even said that to the Doc -- he kind of had to agree with me, even though I think he was a bit embarrassed. Well, they adjusted his dressing and Farfel seemed much better, although he was walking sideways -- maybe he will start a trend :)

The BIG tumor, aka "Anthony Weiner,"  most likely was cancerous. The Doc said he is pretty sure he got it all. I hope he did.  So, just like the real Anthony Weiner, Farfel's "Anthony Weiner" has been removed. YAY!!

Farfel also had two other lumps removed -- one was a snipey looking cyst who  we briefly named "Ann Coulter." The other lump was a big fatty lipoma -- who we briefly named, "Glenn Beck." YAY -- they are gone as well  :)

It was and is very sad for me to see Farfel in any kind of pain or distress. He is fine though -- I gave him some super-duper pain meds, and he seems to be enjoying them , as well as the pieces of chicken I have given him :)

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and comments. All very much appreciated :)  I know you all know just how much Farfel means to me  :)  As a matter of fact, when I called the  animal hospital for a status report, I said,; this is Patti, Farfel's Mom, how is he doing/  :)   I can't refer to him as a dog, or even a pet -- he's my boy  :)

So...the next lumps to be removed (actually replaced) will be mine  :)  That will be Wednesday, and I AM looking forward to it -- gotta get these hard-headed bald guys off my chest  :)  Then... soon Star will be home :)  I really miss the sweet little girl.

Thanks again!!

Patti, and Farfel (who is totally groovin' right now)

Miss Fergi -- smooches to you :)

Lucia -- yes -- that's the Garden Center -- Constantine's Nursery and Garden Center. John and Athena Constantine were my Aunt and Uncle -- they are now deceased, and my very handsome cousin Johnny is the boss. It's a great place. I spent many great times there and even worked in the .... Geranium room when I was 14. ..  :)

Monday, June 13, 2011


I spoke with the Vet today. The cytology report wasn't so good :(  What he did the other day was take a fluid sample from the lump -- Anthony Weiner (seriously, the humine Anthony Weiner seriously needs to be poked with something). The Vet said there was a very high probability that there were cancerous cells. He was talking about all of these "blasts" things... and honestly, at the time I was too upset to really comprehend.

It isn't a lipoma. So... one option is to do a biopsy to see exactly what the cells are -- and then probably surgery -- or, go straight to the surgery and have the entire lump removed. Tomorrow they are going to call me with an estimate of the cost of the surgery. So, I am opting for the surgery.  Finding the funds to pay for the surgery might be a little difficult (I've been off work for over three months) -- but, he WILL have the surgery, and hopefully, as I have always hoped -- Farfel will live forever. Funny thing, Farfel's Vet called about an hour after my Doc called to give me my surgery date to exchange these THINGS I have in my chest.  My surgery is June 22. At the time I got the news, I was excited, relieved, and happy to be rid of these things -- now... Farfel is my concern.

On a very happy note, while I was at the Vets, he gave me some anti-inflammatory meds for Farfel. His exact words -- "In 24 to 48 hours, you will have a news dog!" It's true. Farfel is acting like a puppy, he has energy, and has been jumping on my bed like a crazy-man!  He is very happy. He really isn't like a new dog, because Farfel is always Farfel no matter what -- but he is a more energetic!!! Farfel and I are happy :)

One thing I will not do is -- if it has spread, and Farfel would need Chemo -- I won't do that to him. Yes, I want him to live forever, and yes, I know he isn't -- but, I can't put an animal through a chemo regimen -- or anything that would be painful, make him sick, and just basically prolong his death because I can't part with him. As intelligent as Farfel is -- there are things he just can't express to me, and in no way could I live with myself if I would be putting him through anything that would be inhumane.

If there comes a time when he has to be put down -- I will be there with him. I know many people who cannot be with their pet during that time. It is totally understandable. I have felt the same way at times. It will be one of the most difficult things I would ever have to do -- but, I will be there with him. He is my best friend :) I love him  :)

I didn't mean for this to turn out depressing. I have a million thoughts going through my head. I am sure Farfel will be just fine, and I am thinking positive thoughts -- but sometimes, during times like these, the reality thoughts have to pop in -- Farfel is a tough guy, and I know he knows it isn't time to leave me. I need him :)

Thank you for listening. It helps to write this down. I promise -- Farfel's "BackStory" is coming  :)   Maybe after I get my REAL fake boobies :)  Star should be home soon  :)  Also, thank you for all of your comments, they are very much appreciated, and enjoyed  :)


Friday, June 10, 2011

What LUMP?

I, Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the Village, have grown another LUMP!  Several years ago, I had a LUMP, and I was greeted with all kinds of ridicule such as: LUMPY Rutherford!  For those of you who do not know who Lumpy Rutherford is, well... he is the fat snotty kid from Leave it to Beaver -- a horrible show -- Beaver was the type of kid dogs would love to bite, or... run away from! I also had another LUMP grow on my chest -- no ridicule there though -- the Vet is "watching" this one -- basically they are lipomas -- fat (ugh) deposits). This new lump is different -- it has grown VERRRRY fast since about February. MOMMY has had a lot on her mind with other things  (her .."lumps" ..hehehe), so MY LUMP has been put on the back burner!!  I am now ridiculed with the name -- IGOR (eye-gor). I am sure you all know the character Marty Feldman played in "Young Frankenstein!" A Classic!  :)

I have chosen to name my LUMP .. "Anthony Wiener!" Just like my lump -- he should be removed!!  MOMMY thought I should name it "Glenn Beck," or "Ann Coulter!"  I don't think "Glenn Beck" is an interesting name (or person), and "Ann Coulter" just isn't right for my LUMP!  There are sooo many choices --- "Sarah Palin,"  "John Edwards," or even "FOX News!"  I like the name "ANTHONY WIENER," and I am sticking with it -- WIENER IT IS!!! Even though all mentioned should be permanently eradicated --- like my LUMP!  :)

So, please send out some "ANTI-WIENER"  thoughts to my MOMMY -- (anti-wiener as in lump --- know what I mean?, hehehe). MOMMY could not exist without me!! It's not only because I am wonderful, perfect, handsome, hilarious, huggable --- but because I am the ONLY Airedale in MOMMY'S Village, and I understand her, and have been through EVERYTHING with her!  I know you all feel about your humines as I do about mine -- I know you understand  :)

Thank you for listening to me, you are all very much appreciated :)


Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the Village --- "WHAT LUMP?"

Below are some photos of my LUMP -- it IS GRUESOME! It's an Albatross -- an Alien waiting to jump has marred my perfect physique ... hehehehe :)

Anthony Wiener

It does NOT have a Twitter Account :)

Still Smiling  :)

By the way --- Star also has a very special place in MOMMY'S heart. I saw Star yesterday when I got my beautiful haircut :) She did not hiss at me --- YAY!!!  MOMMY spent time on the floor with Star's babies -- and was trying to decide which one was her favorite ---- they all were  :) But, as we ALL know --- I, Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the Village (I never get tired of saying that!) am MOMMY'S favorite --- Step aside humine brothers --- you know where you stand ...hahaha behind me and Anthony Wiener!!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Star, The ONLY Airedaless, in the Village :)

My favorite picture of Star

Farfel, The ONLY Airedale in the Village, is not in a writing mood. I don't want to assume anything, but I think he is j-e-a-l-o-u-s!

 I went to visit Star and her babies. In the last few days, their eyes have opened, and they can hear!!! They are so adorable -- of course!!!

I have to say, the first time I met Star, I immediately fell in love with her. Star has the sweetest disposition! She is quirky, funny, affectionate, and scrappy!!!  She is also petite (compared to Farfel), solid, and has the most perfect build! It was love at first sight  :)

Nancy, Star's "other" Mommy, has been grooming Farfel for about 5-years!  The first time I called to make the appointment, I asked if she groomed Airedales. Many groomers do not groom such big dogs! I had one groomer insist that Farfel was a large Welsh Terrier ---- Anyway, Nancy answered... yes -- I have 9 of my own!!!!  So, I knew she wouldn't insist that Farfel was a large Welsh Terrier  :) Nancy, knows a lot about Airedales -- A LOT!!!  I have learned a lot from Nancy, and have enjoyed every moment in her office -- it's full of all kinds of Airedale antiques, pictures, statues, and.... beautiful artwork made by the many dogs who have come through her doors!!

Easdale is located in Bath, Ohio. It's kind of considered upscale country. Lebron James has a home in Bath. Ok, I still like the guy even though he ditched the CAVS!  When you pull into the driveway, there are Airedale statues, an Airedale topiary, and other adorable topiaries.

 Airedale topiary

The setting is stunning, and today, Star was outside, and her view is to die for -- a ravine, with a waterfall!  Star was very happy to see us (Joey and I)...and she barked her odd little bark, more times than I have ever heard  before!! It was so cute!! It was so good to see her, she was sweet as always :)

Star and I
She is so sweet!

We had a very nice visit. We saw Star's "roommate" Dora's puppies!!  A few weeks older than Star's babies!!!  And we saw Boson, the cutest, chunkiest, chocolate lab puppy!!!  

Dora's babies with Boson

Dora's baby

I had to include Dora's babies and Boson -- I swear I could spend hours there with all of the Airedales and Boson!! And now -- Star's babies:


Yesss, they are adorable!!!! They were squeaking and barking!!!  They are the cutest, chubbiest, and sweetest little babies -- just like their mommy :) OK, the chubby part might be like Uncle Farfel :) Farfel IS on a diet, and has been doing very well ---except for yesterday -- he snatched (while counter surfing) an entire bag of hot dog buns and ate them!!!! Farfel blames Joey for sabotaging his diet...Joey didn't put the buns away!!

Anyway, it was a great time, and I thank Nancy for taking time out of her very busy day to let me come and truly enjoy myself, and see sweet little Star!!!  Oh, and Nancy, if you read this, I hope you didn't cringe when you saw my favorite picture of Star with the obnoxious bow !!!!  I don't think I have ever seen any of Nancy's Airedales with --- "accessories!"  

 Joey and I, and maybe Farfel, are looking forward to Star coming home!!  We can't wait!!!!  I hope she didn't forget about getting on the furniture, jumping on the bed ---sitting on my lap -- and yes, even hissing at Farfel  :) She is very special to us -- even Farfel  :)


A few P ===essses ...

Happy Birthday to one of my favorite guys --- Jake !!!!  You are very special  :)

My deepest condolences to Butchy's Mom -- my heart breaks for you.

In the pictures of Star and I -- surprisingly, my foobs didn't make it into the picture ...they are huge, and almost overshadowed Star as it was  :)  Soon.......they will be exchanged for "normal" ones   :)  I hope!  :)

Coming soon --- FARFEL -- THE BACKSTORY!  


Thursday, May 5, 2011

The ONLY Uncle in the Village :)

I, Farfel, am not ONLY the ONLY Airedale in the Village, I am the ONLY Uncle in the Village :)  OK, as much as I would love for this to be all about me -- it's Star's turn to shine (pretty clever, huh?).

MOMMY and Joey finally got to see Star's beautiful babies!!! Of course, MOMMY, and even Joey wanted ALL of them!!!

Star's Babies :)

Six Beautiful Airedales :)

My Nieces & Nephews :)  

MOMMY said Star looked as beautiful as ever, and was very happy, and protective of her babies! Next to Star, in another "birthing suite," there was another new Mommy!  Her babies were equally as adorable!!! Nancy put the babies in a box -- Joey held them while MOMMY took the pictures -- Nancy said; "This is the only time you will probably ever hold six Airedales at once!!!

Easdale Kennels/Seneca Airedales, is a beautiful place. It is set in the woods, and everything is completely dog-oriented. When you drive up you see a beautiful Airedale topiary -- at first it looks like a GREEN Airedale :)  The office is  full of Airedale pictures, statues, articles, and photographs. MOMMY sees something new whenever she is in the office :)

Aside from me, Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the Village, MOMMY thinks that Nancy has the most beautiful Airedales :)   MOMMY also talked to Nancy about Star's debarkation :) I guess Star was quite the barker... so much so, that neighbors complained. MOMMY thinks the neighbors were being petty -- Nancy has a beautiful kennel, and the many times MOMMY has been there, as have I -- there has never been an over abundance of barking!!  MOMMY researched the debarking, and it doesn't harm the dog. If anybody in this world is a true dog lover, it's Nancy. Nancy is also a trained breeder, A -1 groomer, and has way more education than MOMMY regarding the care of Airedales :) 

Sooo, back to the pups!  Nancy explained they were deaf and blind -- MOMMY thought only cats were born deaf and blind (I can just imagine the disaster if Star had her babies here!! hehehe). Joey, the smartass that he is -- said; "Oh look... they are only 3-days old and their tails are longer than Farfel's!" I should bite him later for that remark  :) MOMMY did confirm that though...... but, she loves me as I am  :)  

MOMMY is home now, very happy she got to see Star...and can't wait until she sees her again. I, of course, had to SNIFF MOMMY and Joey when they got home. MOMMY was glad because as I was sniffing, I was wagging my tail and getting very excited -- not suspicious.... like other times when she cheats on me with other dogs --- I miss Star too :)  It's OK, if she has a funny bark, and hisses at me.... it's OK she has a longer tail than's OK she has been in show-biz, and I haven't -- all of that makes Star very unique, and...I love her :)


Uncle Farfel

Star and I

Star and I doing what we do best -- we ignore each other  :)  Notice her tail ......and baby bump :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


MOMMY and I are bored!!!!!!  Well, MOMMY more than me -- but -- if she is bored, then I am bored!!!! It isn't because Star, my pregnant sister, and MOMMY'S favorite girl-canine ( I could have said the B-Word, hehehe) is away at the home for unwed mothers -- it's because MOMMY isn't used to sitting at home, and not being able to do much!!

MOMMY and Joey (grrrr), visited Star and she looked wonderful and was very happy. Star is staying at her first Mommy's (Nancy Secrist -  My MOMMY doesn't know nothing about birthin' no canine babies!!!  Star was outside in a beautiful kennel, set in beautiful rustic Bath, Ohio. In another run there were lots of puppies -- MOMMY and Joey wanted ALL of them!!! REALLY???  Sometimes I think I am the ONLY sane one of the bunch!  They were also greeted by a chunky, beautiful, chocolate Lab puppy named Boson. MOMMY wanted him too!!!  MOMMY told Joey that being there with all of those puppies, and in such a beautiful setting was her idea of heaven ---- HELLO!!!  I was not there!!!  It's OK, truly I am not insecure --- just kind of annoyed!  

Here is a picture of of Star when she had her "girlish" figure -- Thank you to :

José Antonio Gómez Morante for sending MOMMY Star's picture. Jose has Star's sister Meiga -- who is a beauty :)


OK, I have to admit -- that picture makes her look --- attractive.  WE, however, have never been able to make her be still that long to get a decent picture!  I think it's been photo-shopped!  :)  

I, Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the Village, prefer the more candid, natural shots:

Look at her ears! Hers were glued together as a child -- mine -- were not!  MOMMY does not understand the "show dog" world, but.....MOMMY would not glue any dogs --- ANYTHING!!!  She also would not remove anything (OK, certain things --- MY CAJONES!) ...especially a dogs voice  :(  MOMMY'S opinion ... (if anybody cares) ..Don't get a Terrier if you can't handle the barking --- or, don't get a dog for that matter!!! MOMMY threatens me sometimes, and I just bark louder :)  It's our game!  

We should be getting Star back in June -- we do miss her. It's nice being the only-child dog again -- except for Joey, he is still my nemesis -- but, he is also my best friend -- next to MOMMY, the trash can, the couch, my headless duck with no stuffing, an empty yogurt cup, my leash, tennis ball, and several other things!

MOMMY is doing OK in her recuperation -- still not back to work. It is amazing just how important arms are to one's daily life.  MOMMY goes weekly to get her expanders filled up -- this is to stretch the skin to make room for the Foobies!  Every time MOMMY comes home from the Plastic Surgeon -- I have to look twice --- who IS this large busted woman!!  The bigger they are expanded, the more it stretches, and the more it hurts -- preventing MOMMY from doing a lot of things with her arms -- and.. the Foobs get in the way!!!  So, MOMMY is frustrated, pissy, and annoyed because she can't do what she did before the surgery -- however -- no regrets :) 

MOMMY and I have to say, as we have said before -- we LOVE your blogs, and pictures!!  MOMMY has a lot of time -- she reads them all -- she might not comment on them, but they are read, and very much appreciated!!! MOMMY loves knowing there are humines out there who love, and feel about their babies as much as she does :)  Some people just can't understand!  So -- thank you all!!! Also, thank you for your comments -- those are also very much appreciated :)

MOMMY and I can continue writing all day -- but instead of US being bored -- you will be bored  :) We have decided to keep the TV turned OFF!!!  No more court shows, Storage Unit Wars (really?), Pregnant 16 year olds, Maury, Jerry, Hoda, Whoopee, or those HOARDERS!!!  Instead, MOMMY is going to play some mindless games on FB!!!  Maybe even go for a walk -- but --- sometimes I have a tendency to pull, and go absolutely nuts when ANYTHING gets in my line of vision!!  I would hate to pull MOMMY and one of her Foobies go bouncing down the street :)  

Have a great day!!

Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the Village (until June!) and MOMMY!!  and, Star -- :)  We hope we hear something today about her babies....and if one has a short (but extremely gorgeous tail) MOMMY is going to take it --- :)  

Thursday, April 7, 2011

NY, Foobs, The Village.... and me, Farfel :)

I, Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the Village, have recovered fully from my vicious attack from my barkless, long-tailed, pregnant sister!!!!  I am fine :)

Star, the long-tailed little scrapper is also doing fine. MOMMY gets frustrated with her because she isn't like me! MOMMY assumes all Airedales are like me, and like the Airedales in the YouTube videos. Star is nothing like what MOMMY thinks of typical Airedales. MOMMY, much to my dismay, is always hugging Star, telling her nice things, and Star is still "standoffish!"  It might be the pregnancy, or even getting used to all of us, or maybe she didn't have people in her face 99% of the time. Star does get on the bed, and furniture -- YAY -- and the big couch is considered "Star's couch," while I have to fit MY football player physique on the small love seat. Hopefully, after Star's babies are born, her life here will become normal -- well, normal to our life :)

MOMMY is doing fine from her surgery -- except for the nagging pain 24/7. Yesterday, MOMMY had her first "fill." They have to fill the expanders to get the skin stretched enough so that eventually, MOMMY will have huge Pamela Anderson boobs-- or foobs :) Today, MOMMY went for an MRI. She has to do this every six-months to keep tabs on her brain tumor -- Hector. Well, one of the questions they ask before any MRI is -- "Do you have any metal in your body?" Well, in each expander there is a little magnet so the Doc can find the port to inject the saline in order to expand.... the expander. The techs said they didn't think they could do the MRI. It could have demagnetized the expanders ....or even moved them. MOMMY told the tech that she didn't want to have one boob facing up and the other facing down. The tech looked at MOMMY with sadness --- MOMMY then said... Yeah..and I don't really want them to explode -- what a mess that would be!!!  Finally the tech had to laugh -- and MOMMY explained her kind of weird sense of humor -- well, weird to some people  :)

In other news --- MOMMY just got back from NYC. She had so much fun!!!!   The New York Yankee Homecoming dinner was awesome!!!  Yes, Derek was there  :)  The opener the next day was awesome -- but rainy and cold. The new Yankee Stadium is fantastic!!!  And, John Leguizamo in Ghetto Klown at the Lyceum -- MOMMY never laughed so hard!!!!  

MOMMY also hung out in the Village, and noticed all of the humines with the canines. The canines were VERRRRRRY well-behaved. MOMMY also kept her eyes peeled for a cute WFT -- hoping that Asta may have been on a walk  :) No Asta  :(  No WFT's either  :(  MOMMY did see an old ragged, but very adorable Airedale, with his old ragged humine. MOMMY told her friend Eddie, she wished she could walk Star and I in the Village ------ BUT --- then added.....Star wouldn't bark -- but FARFEL, the ONLY Airedale (that barks like a maniac) in the Village would!!!!!!!!!!  MOMMY was amazed how quiet and well-behaved the Village dogs were -- and they resembled their humines -- so cute!!!!  Maybe one day I will get to visit the big city -- but MOMMY thinks the horn-honking, the sirens, the people, the dogs, and the food vendors would be a little bit too much for me --- or the City :)  It isn't ready for me, Farfel ---- the ONLY Airedale in the Village (here in Ohio).

So, everything is getting back to normal here -- MOMMY isn't back to work yet -- too much pain right now, but I think she needs to get back to the reality (hehehehe) of her job. MOMMY is looking forward to getting back to the gym, and get rid of the huge booty she grew as a result of lack of activity, and quitting smoking. She smokes now -- UGH!!    MOMMY will quit --- again....and again .... :)   

MOMMY is going to post pictures of NY ... and US, and maybe the hugeness of her temporary foobs (not naked -- you would all die laughing) ...   :)

You all have a great day!!!

Farfel    :)     (and Star (preggo), and MOMMY)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bitey Face ?? I THINK not!!!!!

Look at this face !!   

 I Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the .....INSULTED!!!!   I have been MAIMED for life!!!!  All due to one small, female with a LONG (and I do mean LONG) tail, and NO BARK!!!!  She blatantly attacked me!!!!  She bit a HOLE, yes a HOLE in my ear!!!!  It was AWFUL!!! She wouldn't let go!!!  I don't think I ever heard MOMMY yell so loud -- it isn't her nature ...I usually do the loud yelling!!!

OK, back to me -- I am HURT, INJURED, and BLEEEEEEEEEEDING!! I've got that Terrier "shake" thing going on .... I need......a treat.... or meat.....or a cookie....or ANYTHING!!!  I am HURT!!!!!


It's quite gruesome --- isn't it ? I am suffering.... and she..................Star....well,.....she's pretty darn tough... for a ... GIRL!!!   Star was sitting next to MY MOMMY and my girl grandheathen... I went up to them for some HUGGS (that's all... just HUGGS), and Star started hissing at me...because... she can't growl!!!  Well, MOMMY and the girl grandheathen started laughing... and then, all of a sudden.... Star had to become possessive of MY girls!!!!!  The rest is a blur....MOMMY yelled as loud as she could to stop -- and put her boot in between our faces --- it's OK, she had on those UGGly boots!!  It would talk an alligator to get through one of those!!  Anyway, we stopped, I was screaming -- and Star.. was unusually calm .....hmmmmm!!!

MOMMY checked me out and saw the enormous injury to my ear --- MY beautiful EAR!!! I am scarred for life!!!!  I don't believe scars give people character --- I am already a character, and I don't need a painful injury to prove just how brave I am!!! OH -- THE PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MOMMY cleaned my gaping wound...and put some ointment on the deeeeeeeep puncture wound...the blood was spurting out EVERYWHERE!!!  I think she hit an ARTERY!!!!  Star kept sneaking around trying to get a look at the medical procedure I was going through -- Thank GOD MOMMY knows emergency medicine!!!  Who knows what could happen in that "Golden Hour!!" I had major TRAUMA!!!!  MOMMY doesn't normally have Morphine on hand here at home ... but, if she did -- I think I need a nice Morphine drip of some kind ... or at the VERY least .... a cookie!!!

So....after my treatment.... Star and I talked -- OK, I talked and she listened ... we did that "Airedale" dance!! That's what we call it -- you know when two dogs get close to each other -- -with wagging tails (hers is so ostentatious) ... and we making jerking moves like we are dancing .....??? Kind of like Elaine from Seinfeld .....MOMMY has no idea what we are doing, but....she says it appears to be "friendly!"

Well, I need to rest --- I am not only physically drained, I am emotionally drained................


WANTED (for crimes against Farfelmanity!)

Just look at that face --- she reminds me of a Roller Derby girl ... or a Lady wrestler.... Or one of those tough girls......actually --- her gruff, raspy bark SUITS HER!!!!!

I will be pouting, and avoiding her for the rest of the day .... and soaking up the attention from my MOMMY!!!

LOVE to you ALL .... I'm glad she didn't KILL me!!!

Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the VILLAGE, who is slightly maimed, but...... still has those boyish good looks!!!!!

Farfel "DID NOT!!!!"
Star* "YES YOU DID -- Drama King!"
Farfel "HOW DARE YOU?!!"
Star* "Wanna go another round??"
Farfel "no"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

They didn't know I could type :)

It's me, Star -- the ONLY Princess in the Village!!!  While my BIG (and I do mean BIG) brother Farfel is sleeping, I decided I would write and introduce myself to everybody!!!  MOMMY and Farfel talk about the wonderful humines and canines they have met -- as a result of the INTERNET -- too bad MOMMY hasn't had such luck --- on those truly creepy Internet Dating sites!!  As a result, she will never go on them again (thank goodness) .. and I have heard her mention --- many times -- Dogs are better than those nasty old men!!!

Anyway, my name is Seneca Texas Sternchen. Sternchen is "Starshine" in German. I have been called Star, since I can remember.  I do have a sister in Mexico, her name is Meiga, she is also a champion, and is owned by a very handsome man named:  Jose Antonio Gomez -- an Airedale lover :)  My sister's daughter is also a very beautiful Airedale and has many awards  :)  Check out MOMMY'S Facebook page and look at the beautiful pictures of my niece and sister.

I had one litter once -- and only produced one baby. My other mommy, Nancy... called her "Godzilla!" She was a very large puppy, because she ate so much  (because she had nobody to compete with). Godzilla, is now a service dog. She is probably the size of my BIG (and I do mean BIG) brother Farfel.  Soon I will find out if I will be having another litter. MOMMY isn't happy about me leaving her again -- but, I will be back -- I missed my BIG (and I do mean BIG) brother Farfel, and Joey ( I love Joey)... and my MOMMY, when I was gone before -- even though Farfel, my BIG (and I do mean BIG) brother makes remarks....I am not sure if he is being protective, jealous, or just an ass :) Sorry Farfel..I know you aren't as "worldy" as I am...but puppies are a way of life --- MOMMY should have the "talk" with you  :)  

OK -- Farfel my BIG (and I do mean BIG) brother has made certain comments about my tail -- really, they don't bother tail is lovely  :) is so fun to wag my tail in his face and annoy him :)  As far as my raspy voice, I think it is sexy!!!  Kind of like Demi Moore  :)  Farfel my BIG (and I do mean BIG) ..barks enough for an entire Airedale Tabernacle Choir!!  He is LOUD ... when MOMMY shusshes (which he hates) him, he barks LOUDER!!!  Then.......MOMMY gives him a treat so he will be quiet -- MOMMY --- you are rewarding him for bad behavior!!! Hee hee hee ... no wonder he is such a BIG (and I do mean BIG) guy!!

Farfel my BIG (and I do mean BIG) brother will NOT share the toys!!!!  So -- I will NOT share the couch, unless MOMMY forces us :)  Also.....MOMMY only lets me on her bed when Farfel (the BIG guy) not looking -- or he decides he will get on the bed too -- which isn't often, he is kind of ....well...not as "springy" as I am --- the middle of the night.... I sneak around the other side of MOMMY'S bed, and jump in and snuggle with my MOMMY!!!  Farfel is on the floor (where we start out)...he isn't suffering though, MOMMY has blankets and pillows and anything else he would want  :) He isn't deprived :)  MOMMY will tell me to get back on the floor, but since she had her operation, she just kind of gives in....which is OK by me  :)

I do LOVE my BIG (and I do mean BIG) brother Farfel :)  He is so awesome!!!  I love to tease him...and we do really love each other  :) :)  MOMMY loves us both, and yes, I know FARFEL, my BIG (and I do mean HUGE) brother is very special to her -- but, so am I  :)

I have lived in several homes -- not sure of the exact details, but it has to do with handlers...I know it may sound like I have had a privileged life -- but, I just hope that after the babies are born (if there are any) ..that I will be here forever with my MOMMY, my BIG (and I do mean really BIG) brother Farfel ... and Joey -- I love my other brothers too..and I especially love those little grandheathens....they are my size and very very sweet to me  :)

Well, I better go for now... it seems like  Farfel, my BIG (GARGANTUAN) brother is waking up and deciding which couch he wants to take his next nap on.....:) I do LOVE Him -- what's not to love ????? :)

Nice to meet you all  :)


Star  :)  

P.S. I have only hissed at Farfel, my BIG (BIG like Raymond Burr) brother only once since I have been back home --- I hiss instead of growl, it is very dainty ....:)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Things are back to abnormal -- Star is home !!!

This is Farfel's MOMMY. I did not ask for his permission to write this blog -- besides, he is just settling in for his first nap of the day, and I don't want to disturb him  :)  I think he thought Star was gone for good --  welll, big surprise Farfel -- she's back  :)  As soon as I got the call that she was back at Nancy's -- Joey and I picked her up -- immediately!!  Joey almost missed the season premier of Orange County Housewives -- BUT -- geeez, he was watching hours and hours of it ALL DAY!!!  UGH -- seriously, I really wish I knew whose reality those women are living (OK, yeah, I am jealous!!) Personally, I prefer the Housewives of New Jersey or New York :)

Star was very happy to see us -- jumping on me -- drains and all (I have the drains, she does not). Nancy, the breeder also showed Joey and I 3 little Airedale babies that were just hours old --- all I can say is ---awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww  :)  Anyway, Star came home and she was HAPPY to see her big brother Farfel :)  Things went very well, and I am..... very happy I have my two babies home and together!!

So, why am I writing -- well, out of laziness I do not want to sign up for another blog -- and I refuse to document "My Journey!"  I read a lot. I do have a medical background, and I wanted to and want to know everything I have gone through and will go through by the time all of this is over.

 I have ready many blogs about women who have gone through the bilateral mastectomies, whether it be as a result of cancer, or a choice they made because of the high possibility of them getting cancer in the future. As I mentioned, I was very high risk -- so having this done was my choice - not a choice that I made lightly. It was well thought out. 

As I said I refuse to make this come across as a depressing entry into a journal describing my journey. For me, that is not an option. I am not a super-woman in any sense of the word. I am just me. You can't do this with the thoughts of "why me?" I had a choice, and I made the choice.

Finding a lump, going to the Doctor, going for tests, more tests, then finally results was too much. I couldn't imagine going through that more than once. While some of the tests are very easy -- mammograms for one -- the technicians are wonderful, and in my case, at least, the squeezing of the boobie wasn't terrible. So, ladies, get your mammograms :)  There was one procedure that was not fun for me -- it was the Needle Loc -- they had to stick this thing inside my breast they knew where to cut to get the lump out -- well, that hurt like hell and the thought of it was damn creepy!  UGH!  

I also opted to have a total hysterectomy. When I went to the Doc to discuss this, they found "weird" cells on my cervix -- so -- it was a good thing I had it done anyway -- Ovarian cancer is a difficult cancer to detect, and from what I am told, ovarian cancer and breast cancer are very close. So...ladies, make sure you keep up on the lower regions as well -- it would be a shame to find something too late, when it could have been found, and treated. I realize I am 57 years old and really have no need for most of my parts -- but it hasn't made me feel like any less of a woman -- if that helps at all.

My chest at the moment is not attractive. It is bigger though than what I went into surgery with, and these are only the expanders. The old boobies weren't that magnificent..hehehehe.. they reminded me of little wrinkly flesh-colored fried eggs....yet, they were my cute, little wrinkly flesh-colored fried eggs -- with adorable nipples I might add  :) Right now it appears that I have the "bulk" of the boobies under my armpits -- UGH!  I specifically told the plastic surgeon ..I did not want "bra hangover fat!"  As a matter of fact -- my son Joey told me a trick about bra-fat -- bend over and stuff the boobies into the bra -- and voila ... they stay, and very minimal bra fat!  Joey? You say? --- Joey has done drag for many years -- very well I might add -- and I get all of my "girly" secrets from him!!!!  Thank you Joey!!! the moment -- I have lumpy things on my chest -- with slight scarring, drains hanging out (they should be removed soon)...and most of the lumps are under my armpits -- but that will change...and as was mentioned in a previous blog -- it looks like there are two bald men on my chest with lumpy heads!  It really isn't so bad. Yes, there is pain, but is easy to manage!  I just can't reach things from very high places -- never could actually -- but my range of motion is pretty good -- because...I's because I work-out. I am worried that with this recovery period that I may turn back to ...flab. Oh well, I can get the muscles back -- besides, the muscles I have are covered up by wrinkled old lady skin (there is no cure for that ---except youth!UGH).

One of my biggest worries is -- the weight I gained by quitting smoking. I am totally freaked out by that. I know it is petty, but.... I went from a size 1/2 to a size 3...which is kind of tight, and weirdly -- I grew an ass!  I never had one before. It isn't so bad. But -- it's THERE!  I know a large ass certainly out-weighs (hahahahaha) the dangers of smoking, but.... it is so difficult out there for a single old lady!!!  And... I am smoking again -- see, I am honest!  Not a lot. I just can't stop, and I know I have to, because it isn't good for the healing process, but... I am going to be totally honest in this non-depressing, non-journal entry to my non-depressing-journey!  I will stop!

Another worry is -- since me the loser without a boyfriend/manfriend -- Oh, I have friends, but I am sure they are afraid of the C-WORD (commitment).  Am I worried about not being sexy -- because of my weird boobs?  No -- but it would be nice to have someone love me regardless -- seriously -- old men out there are so shallow. The youngs ones (usually most I date are 10 years or younger than me) aren't so bad. Anyway -- I don't think boob size defines "sexy!"  I think my warped sense of humor, personality, and... yes, kindness are sexy as hell. Besides, I have those Greek good looks ...hahahahahaha...big Greek thighs ..and now huge Greek ass .... but no Greek mustache ... as of yet. The Greek women in my family usually grow one in their late 70's, so, I still have time  :)  By implants will have drooped, my ass will be huger, and I will probably suffer from dementia -- so who freakin' cares if I have a mustache or not ???   :)

I do have wonderful family and friends who have been there for me  --- Joey -- my youngest son who has to put up with me stealing cigs from him ... he planned the whole party for the TA TA to the TA TA'S ... he helped me clean...and just about do everything I asked of him as well as keep me laughing  :)  Ryan, my oldest, who stayed at the hospital ALL DAY -- stayed with me for a few days -- waiting on me (God, I know how hard that was!), Mark, the middle child -- who is so busy with work, kids, baby mama's...for just being there and making me smile (we are warped in the same way) ex-husband ...YES, we are friends, who will do anything to make my life run smoother (Ya should ya a-hole -- I never asked for alimony!!! -- joking -- (but I didn't ask for alimony). All those who came to the party, who have called me, and have just been there ... JM ... thank you -- for you know what .... and Eddie -- my dear, dear friend, who is making my dreams come true-- a staunch METS fan taking me to the Yankee homecoming festivities -- and other great stuff!!  Having friends and family is waaaay better than having perfect boobies!!  Last but not least -- my BEST friend in the world -- Farfel  :)  There is nothing I can say that people with dogs don't already know :) And little sweet needy barkless Star -- who needs me  :)  I am a very lucky person!!!  And ... soon I will have FOOBS (fake boobs) and FIPPLES (fake nipples)  Life is good!!



I do have to say -- this is what is right for me -- in no way do I diminish what other women have gone through or what they will go through -- but -- it's easier to go through something like this with a sense of humor and smiles  :)  Believe me ... I am not the "Perky Patti" type .... just a regular person who sees things a little differently :)

***Well said MOMMY -- now will you please let Foghorn Star and I out --- we have to pee!!!***

Love, Farfel ...and Star   too  :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

She's coming home .....hmmmmmm

I, Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the Village --will soon have to share my Village AGAIN!  My little petite sister STAR, with the long, long tail (weird), the freakishly odd bark (hehehe), and the springs on her dainty feet!!!!

MOMMY is very happy, and says CONSTANTLY (ugh), I never thought I could love or miss another dog so much!!!  Well, I guess it's OK ... MOMMY still loves me the most (duh). Speaking of MOMMY, she is doing very well except for a little pain. She says her chest reminds her of two bald men with lumpy heads -- No wonder MOMMY gets along with Star so well -- they are both strange :) A good strange though  :)

Star has been bred twice --- meaning --- she has had SEX!!!!!   Twice!!!!  OK, enough about that -- her tentative due date -- if it "took," is April 29th. Star will then be leaving us again to have her babies, and then will be coming back to us after the babies do not need her anymore --- I can't picture Star as a MOMMY -- whispering sweet nothings to her babies .. since she sounds like a little foghorn!  MOMMY is still verrrrry upset about that!!  I tell her not to worry because I bark enough for 10 Terriers --- and I do not stop unless bribed  :) :)

MOMMY is verrrry excited about her upcoming NY trip!!!  Not only is she going to see her beloved Yankees...and the Season opener -- her friend Eddie is going to take her to see Ghetto Klown at the Lyceum with John Leguizomo ----AND he promised to drive her under the Helmsley Hotel in the city -- it's a tunnel sort of thing -- MOMMY is odd -- she likes unique things  :)  MOMMY might have a burger at Jackson Hole in Astoria..YUM YUM YUM -- MOMMY hasn't been eating red meat lately -- not cuz she loves animals --- cuz she hates plants ...HAHAHAHAHAHA  Joking!!  She just doesn't eat it anymore...but, she might make an exception  :)  MOMMY really needs to win the lottery BIG -- so she can be wealthy and live in NY -- in the Village, or Tribeca (not asking too much!!). MOMMY would probably spend her days walking Star and I and ... as she says.... looking at "stuff!" Probably buying "stuff" too!!!

This was only supposed to be a short little bloggy -- but, I talk too much  :)  There will be more when the little preggo girl comes home (I still cannot believe she had... S-E-X) ...I will support her...I guess....and maybe let HER have the couch ...(probably not).

Thanks to all for being our friends....We love you all, and we do read your  blogs -- and smile a lot!!  Dog people are special people  :)

Well, I am going to enjoy my last few hours as an "ONLY" dog  :)  (Actually, I kind of miss the little foghorn too).


Farfel (and MOMMY)

Smoooches to you my Lovely Miss Fergi  :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My two favorite girls -- No boobies, and No Barks!

I, Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the Village, have decided to allow my MOMMY to take over the blog today!  Of course she will not be as witty, funny, charming, or literary adept as I -- but, she tries, and she did just have major surgery --- so without further ado --- Herrreeees MOMMY :

He can be such an ass  :)  Anyway, I am home. The surgery went very well, and mentally and physically I am doing very well!!!  There is more to come with the reconstruction....but that shouldn't be so bad  :)

My little baby girl Star has been in Kentucky. She is there to ..... get pregnant. I miss her.... and as far as Farfel goes -- well..... I have never seen him happier....hehehehe.  I don't think he dislikes her, he just doesn't like her around  .... but...Star needs us  :) She is coming back -- and we are keeping her. The litter, if she gets pregnant will belong to the breeder. That was one of the conditions of having Star. I also found out that Star was debarked. That disturbs me very much. Terriers bark. Terriers bark a lot. Don't have a Terrier if barking annoys you -- that's my opinion. Maybe they do this to show dogs -- well... another DUH -- dogs bark ... are they better behaved if they don't bark? It is sad and pitiful, and I don't like it  :(

So, I had my TA TA to the TATA'S party -- it was fun and weird at the same time  :)  I mentioned it to the people at the hospital -- most looked at me kind of funny -- kind of like... "oh poor thing" .. or " I think she is crazy!" ... When asked who my next of kin was ... my son Joey (Farfel's nemesis) said.... Farfel. Some of those medical types just don't have much of a sense of humor :)

The surgery wasn't so bad -- it was and is very painful, but nothing a person can't live with, and it gets better every hour. I am kind of lumpy and the shape is kind of funky -- but actually, I think I have more now than what I went in with, and these are just the expanders. The plastic surgeon seems to think I am going to want "big ones!"  We'll see  :)  Again -- I chose to do this. I did not have cancer. My chances of getting breast cancer are like 1%  to 2 %  now.....and.. once the boobies are done... I will have perky boobs until I am 90... so, that isn't so bad  :)

Looking forward to going to NY -- for the Yankees homecoming dinner!!  I am so excited!!  Jeter -- Jeter --- Jeter  :)   (Thanks Eddie for this opportunity -- even though you are a METS fan!!!)  Eddie came to my TATA party all the way from NY -- it was great having him here!!  I can't wait !!!!

 Soooo that's about it --- I thank Farfel for this opportunity to write....hehehehe. I love all of the "dog people!"  You have no idea  :)  Thanks for all of my new FB friends  :)  I love your comments and photos!! Thanks Sally, Jake, Fergi and Nina ... for being you  :)

Take care to all  :)

Patti...Farfel, and Star  :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

TA TA to the TATA'S and the New York Yankees :)

I, Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the Village ... am very disappointed in the Grammy Awards! That's all I have to say --- OK -- not disappointed in Lady GaGa :) I just thought you would like to know! 

My lameness is just about healed -- the physical lameness .. that is :) ... Little Miss Star keeps bouncing around and snarling/hissing at me. We are still not sure if she has been debarked, but without checking her, the Vet said probably not -- because debarking a dog doesn't prevent a dog from barking, it makes the bark sound reeaally funny -- like Froggy from the Little Rascals  :)  Star only barks three times a day. The Vet, being the smartass that he is, said; "Star doesn't bark because Farfel barks enough for her and the whole neighborhood" (Village -- ass!)!

MOMMY'S surgery date is confirmed. It is March 1st, 2011. The TA TA to the TATA party is the weekend before!! You are ALL invited!!! From now until the surgery MOMMY has a gazillion Doc appointments!!  All in all -- MOMMY'S attitude is pretty good!!  One thing -- if anybody is going to go through this, or knows anybody who is going to go through this --- MOMMY recommends that you do NOT go on YouTube and watch videos of breast reconstruction -- it IS depressing!!!!  Someone actually posted a video of a woman trying to get up soon after her mastectomy !! UGH, UGH, and Double-UGH!  It wasn't necessary (in MOMMY'S opinion).  Some of the videos are kind of uplifting, and some just are NOT uplifting!  Of course, something like this is different for every woman... and MOMMY appreciates that, but MOMMY, who is normally a happy person -- was not happy at all after watching the videos. One thing that concerns MOMMY is -- in her opinion stupid, but -- a concern. MOMMY does not have a someone who is madly in love with her -- or loves her for who she is -- meaning her warped sense of humor... her personality...her everything. It would be nice if there were a special person,  who would love and care about her with her new ---alien boobies, frankenboobies,...etc. It is hard to be "out there" at her advanced age...and try to find someone -- the men want women with perfect bodies -- etc.  BUT!!!  The most important reason for doing this is so that MOMMY drops her breast cancer percentage from over 70% down to about 1 or 2 percent!  Besides -- if someone didn't like my MOMMY because he boobies were freaky looking -- welllll, I would have to bite them ----- very hard!  Star, who is soooo gentle and very meek for an Airedale wouldn't bite anybody, but I bet she would let out one of her totally creepy barks :) She is so weird!!  But....a good weird!!

So, no more sad thoughts -- MOMMY is going to be fine!!  AND ----- the best news.......MOMMY has been invited to the NEW YORK YANKEES Homecoming dinner in Manhattan -- on March 30th, 2011!!!!  I have never seen MOMMY so excited!!! MOMMY'S friend Eddie -- who is a totally over the top Mets fan...did this for MOMMY!!! We still like him, even though he is a Mets fan, and understand the sacrifice he is making by wanting to spend the evening with all those NY Yankees!!!  MOMMY loves NY, and especially loves the Yankees  :) So....MOMMY does have something to look forward to after the surgery!!! MOMMY just hopes she has some boobies -- she doesn't want to disappoint Derek Jeter!!! Sooo publicly, MOMMY and I want to thank our friend Eddie, from Jackson Heights NY, who is the ONLY straight man in the Village --- hahahahaha !! It IS true --- straight people can have a wonderful platonic relationship!!! Thank you Eddie for making my MOMMY happy!!  OH -- one more thing -- Eddie is driving from NY to Ohio for MOMMY'S TA TA to the TATA'S party  :) MOMMY does have a special friend coming to the TATA party, and she IS very excited ---I think she likes the special friend more than he likes her --- wow, it sounds like I am in high school ---- hehehehe!!

Sooooo...Party is February 26 --- Surgery is March 1 -- NY Yankees -- March 30!!!  Everybody is invited!!!!  Well, to the party, not the surgery -- that would not be a fun time....hehehe...MOMMY wants them to put her boobies in a jar....I don't think they will do that --- she is weird  :) 

We do love ALL of the dog people -- and friends we have met here at Blogger  :)  We are happy that we are also friends with some of you on Facebook. If any of you would like to join us on Facebook -- just look up: Patti Zaharopoulos Labay. We would love to be your friends!!! I think MOMMY prefers canines, and humines who love dogs over the humines who do not --- maybe that is why MOMMY is spending Valentine's Day with her two favorite people-- ME, Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the Village..and...little Star -- and Star does know.....that MOMMY is MY Valentine  :) And... of course... The very Lovely Miss Fergi :)


Farfel  :)

W.W.F.D. -- What would Farfel do....?

Well, I don't know what to do in these next few weeks --- except, just be me, so MOMMY can be happy and smile a lot :) I am very good at that  -----  :)


Thursday, January 27, 2011

So lame....

I, Farfel, the ONLY Airedale in the Village, am lame! Not lame in the lame sense of the word, but lame in the.... I limp, had to go to the emergency room, got X-rays, and narcotics lame sort of way.

I am much better now, but it was touch and go there for awhile -- hehehe, not really :) In addition to being lame, since that new petite little girl (Star) has arrived, MOMMY has put me on a! I am starving. She feeds me the same amount as that petite little girl. I am a large, big boned....OK... kind of chunky, guy! MOMMY is worried because I can't jump on her bed anymore without taking a running start from way out in the hallway -- when I get to her bed, sometimes I jump up...and sometimes I just wipe my face on her comforter. MOMMY thinks if I was a pound or two thinner, I could jump on her bed with no problem. Star -- the petite thing acts like she has springs on her feet...BOING, and she is up on the bed! MOMMY does not let her sleep on the bed. MOMMY thinks it would hurt my feelings! It might .... yeah, it would.

MOMMY is also VERY concerned about Star's....bark, or... lack of one. MOMMY thinks Star sounds like a muted foghorn. MOMMY has been googling weird bark sounds and has come up with one thing that pretty much describes the little foghorns bark perfectly ---- MOMMY thinks Star has been "debarked!" MOMMY isn't 100% positive ---- and it would be simple for MOMMY to ask Star's other Mommy -- my MOMMY doesn't want to insult her by asking, so she is waiting for the right time, or... MOMMY is just going to take her to the vet and find out for herself. Star doesn't seem to be suffering because of it --- breaks MOMMY'S heart to hear her bark. Star is a "retired" show dog. MOMMY isn't sure if debarking a dog is what they do in Show dog biz ... I, Farfel, the only Airedale in the Village can bark constantly and loudly. Star might bark 3 times a day and it sounds like; "HUFFFF," HUFFFFF," "HUFFFFFF!" If anybody knows anything about a debarked dog...please let MOMMY know. There isn't anything she can do about it, but at least she will know.

So, other than getting used to Star, and her settling in... not much else is going on -- well ...any day now, MOMMY is going to get her surgery date. MOMMY is going to have a PBM -- a Preventative Bilateral Mastectomy. MOMMY is very high-risk for getting breast cancer and decided to do this instead of just waiting around and worrying all of the time. MOMMY is going to have the reconstruction immediately after the mastectomy. MOMMY is not thrilled with having "Frankenboobies," "Frankentitties,"but...the Plastic surgeon, who MOMMY knows, said he was going to make them reeeeaaaal nice....MOMMY felt kind of creepy when he said that, but... decided she would leave her boobies in his hands ----- so to speak!!! :) They even make nipples and they tattoo them ... I think MOMMY wants black little skulls, or black stars... the nurse told MOMMY they only had ...."nipple" colors.....hehehe :)

MOMMY isn't making light of this, or diminishing the whole ordeal, as others would see it -- but... my MOMMY is different...MOMMY has read a lot..and has done a lot of research. She knows what she is getting into ....and isn't thrilled, but she is accepting. MOMMY also does not want this to be a depressing event, and does not want to depress everybody around her -- also, MOMMY does not have breast cancer, so she is very lucky. MOMMY isn't going to write a journal describing her "journey." I might write a few of her thoughts, but ... nothing depressing.

MOMMY is thinking about having a "TA TA ..TA TA'S" party. Probably just a little something at a local tavern...OK... BAR :) If MOMMY was filthy rich she would love to have a catered, sit down dinner -- probably serving a stuffed chicken breast ...hehehe.. and an open bar ..serving buttery nipples (butterscotch schnapps, and something else)...and of course a DJ ... playing; " I like Big Boobs and I can't deny".......wait....wrong body part :) Anyway... that's what she's planning :) Everybody is invited :) .. MOMMY is planning a kind of... weird cake... if you know what I mean :) Joey, my nemesis, suggested she register at Victoria Secrets... since MOMMY isn't sure what exact size she is going to be... she is going to hold off on registering :)

So that's what's been going on... I will keep you posted .... providing I don't waste away to nothing with this starvation diet I am on..UGH!

Again, please know that MOMMY is not making a joke of her situation, or any woman who has gone through this... or any woman's family who has gone through this with her -- MOMMY just thinks that sometimes ... laughter is the best medicine :) Also, I realize that this particular blog has been "all over the page" so to speak's difficult to stop typing... and other times it's difficult to start .....don't know why.

MOMMY loves me....a lot :)